HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 8. No. 4,
HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2003;8:322-326
Paediatric Surgical Forum
The Management of Biliary Atresia in the Era of Liver Transplantation
KKY Wong, KL Chan, H Saing, ST Fan, PKH Tam Division of Paediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China KKY Wong ( 黃格元 ) MBChB(Edin), PhD(Lond), FRCSEd KL Chan ( 陳廣亮 ) MBBS(HK), FCSHK, FHKAM H Saing ( 申陶 ) FRCS, FCSHK, FHKAM ST Fan ( 范上達 ) MD, PhD, FRCS(Edin & Glasg) PKH Tam ( 譚廣亨 ) ChM(Liverpool), FRCS, FRCPCH Correspondence to: Prof PKH Tam Received July 4, 2003
Abstract Biliary atresia is the commonest cause of pathological jaundice in infants. The aetiology and pathogenesis are largely unknown despite advances in molecular science. Hepatic portoenterostomy (Kasai operation) remains the primary treatment of choice with a satisfactory cure rate. With the continuing success of paediatric liver transplantation programmes worldwide, many infants with deteriorating liver disease after failed Kasai operations can now be saved by liver transplantation. Here, we discussed the current understanding of biliary atresia and our experience in both the Kasai operation and liver transplantation. Keyword : Biliary atresia; Kasai operation; Liver transplantation; Risk factors Abstract in Chinese