Case Report First Report of Wegener's Granulomatosis in a 12-year-old Boy in Iran 伊朗首例 12 歲男孩韋格納氏肉芽腫病病例報告 MH Moradinejad, F Mahjoub, P Tabatabaei, A Alizadeh Abstract The aim of this report is to describe the first instance of Wegner's granulomatosis (WG) in a 12-year-old boy at the Children's Medical Center in Tehran University. This report will analyse the variety of clinical manifestations observed in a 12-year-old boy who suffered sinobronchitis for two months before diagnosis. We present a 12-year-old patient who exhibited pathological symptoms of WG prior to diagnosis and treatment. Our patient was monitored for one year after initial therapy through the outpatients department of the Children's Medical Center in Tehran University. One year after treatment, the patient's WG appeared to be in complete remission and he remained entirely well. Although Wegener's granulomatosis is a rare condition in children and can accordingly be confused with more common ailments, accurate and timely diagnosis can be made based on an established record of clinicopathologic features of the disease, and confirmed by biopsy of nasal mucosa. 本篇系德黑蘭大學兒童醫學中心發生的首例韋格納肉芽腫病的病例報告,病患者是一名 12 歲男孩。報告分析了此 12 歲男孩出現的不同的臨床表現。該患兒在診斷前 2 個月表現為副鼻竇支氣管炎。我們提供了診斷以及治療前病人的病理表現情況。通過在德黑蘭大學兒童醫學中心門診對該患兒 1 年的隨診監測發現,經過 1 年治療後,患兒韋格納肉芽腫病情緩解,病人狀況良好。韋格納肉芽腫在兒童中較罕見,故而與相對常見的疾病可存在混淆,但根據臨床病理特點可作出準確及時的診斷並通過鼻粘膜活檢證實。 Keyword : Sarcoidosis; Sinobronchitis; Tuberclosis; Vasculitis; Wegener's granulomatosis 關鍵詞:類肉瘤病(結節病)、副鼻竇支氣管炎、結核、血管炎、韋格納氏肉芽腫病