Original Article Hong Kong Nursing Students' Knowledge on Dyslexia: Implications for Nursing Education and Clinical Practices Abstract Background: Nurses' dyslexia knowledge is crucial for early detection of dyslexia before referring suspected children for further assessment. This study aims to obtain a profile of nursing students' knowledge on dyslexia so as to explore the implications for nursing education for both nursing students and practicing nurses as well as for current and future nursing practices. Method: Nursing students (N=133) were administered 10 true/false questions on dyslexia. Results: They had inadequate knowledge on dyslexia and even had some common misconceptions such as regarding hyperactive students as having various degree of dyslexia and all dyslexic students as suffering from problem of inattention. Conclusions: Researchers and educators on dyslexia should endeavour to keep nursing students and practising nurses updated with information on dyslexia to facilitate early detection and interventions. Keyword : Dyslexia; Hong Kong; Knowledge; Nursing students |