Table of Contents

HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 29. No. 4, 2024

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2024;29:225-229

Original Article

Caustic Ingestion in the Paediatric Age: Single Centre Experience

O Kalaycik Sengul, M Cicek, E Sayar, G Kutluk


Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical consequences of caustic ingestion and identify prognostic risk factors. Methods: All children under the age of 18 years who presented to our emergency department between January 2020 and January 2021 due to corrosive substance ingestion and underwent endoscopy were included in the study. Findings: The study population included 176 patients (male/female: 96/80). Alkaline agents were more commonly ingested than acidic agents (84.7%). None of the patients who had ingested acidic agents had esophagitis, while 20 (13.4%) patients who had ingested alkaline agents had oesophageal burns. Two asymptomatic patients had second-degree oesophageal burns. Oesophageal stenosis was detected in 2 of 8 patients with Grade ≥2A oesophageal lesions, and dilatation was performed. Conclusions: Our data suggests that endoscopic evaluation is mandatory in patients who ingest alkaline agents, although it may be avoided in patients who ingest acidic agents, especially in asymptomatic patients.

Keyword : Acids; Alkalies; Caustics; Child; Endoscopy


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