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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 26. No. 2, 2021

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2021;26:99-102

Case Report

Subaponeurotic Fluid Collection of Infancy with Associated Skull Bone Thinning and Protrusion

ECT So, KY Liu, KY Mak, KW Tsui


Subaponeurotic (Subgaleal) fluid collection of infancy (SFC) is a rare entity characterised by its delayed presentation with a highly fluctuant non-tender scalp swelling which crosses suture in a stable and neurologically intact infant. SFC typically resolves with conservative management and rarely recurs. To our best knowledge, this is the first reported case with associated localised skull bone thinning and protrusion directly underneath the fluid collection, which lends support to the hypothesis that the fluid collection may result from self-limiting cerebrospinal fluid leakage from skull micro-fracture or fistula.

Keyword : Collection; Protrusion; Scalp; Subaponeurotic; Skull; Thinning


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